Lab of Microbiology and Translational Medicine
Research interests and topics
1. 微生物致病機轉、致病因子、病原菌與宿主細胞交互作用
2. 抗藥性細菌之替代性治療物質或方法
從中草藥與天然物中開發對抗藥性細菌有殺菌/抑菌潛力之物質,研究天然化合物之抗菌力與機制,針對抗藥性問題嚴重、可使用的藥物有限之臨床致病細菌,分析in vitro抗菌力、作用機制及in vivo動物試驗,進一步探討應用於感染症治療與控制之潛力。
3. 環境微生物、腸道正常菌叢菌株與致病菌之抗藥性分佈、致病力與多樣性
隨著One Health (健康一體、防疫一體)的概念越來越受到重視,認為人類、動物、環境的健康衛生關係是息息相關,這些面向的健康都需要監控與維護以達到疾病預防及緩減。我們希望探討環境、腸道正常菌叢(microflora)與造成感染之微生物之間的關連,藉由分析環境菌株、腸道菌株與感染菌株的特性與基因體,了解其致病力、抗藥性分佈、之間可能的傳播與演化,可應用於評估腸道微生物篩檢或環境檢測。
Our research interests are mainly focusing on pathogenic microbes, mechanisms and their interactions with human and environments. Pathogenic microbes could cause infections and serious problems clinically. Emergence of antibiotic resistance in microbes is a global health crisis and cause public health problems. Studies of microbial pathogens and the underlying mechanisms can be applied to develop new drugs, vaccines or diagnostic tools, which can help for treatment of disease and improvement of human health in the future.
We use multiple approaches to study microbial pathogens. Our research topics are including
1. Microbial pathogenesis (mechanisms) and virulence factors
2. Pathogen-host interactions and molecular details
3. Antimicrobial activities of natural occurring compounds; potent alternative therapeutic agents against drug-resistant bacteria (alternative medicine; complementary medicine)
4. Relationship between enteric bacteria, environments and infections
Microbial pathogenesis & host-pathogen interactions
Molecular mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions, characterization of virulence genes and virulence phenotypes, signal transduction...
*Cell culture
*Immunofluorescence staining
*Gene cloning, PCR, RT-qPCR
*Biochemical tests
*Animal experiments
*Genomic analysis
*Bioinformatic analysis…etc.
Alternative or novel agents against drug-resistant bacteria and potential mechanisms
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing, disk diffusion assays, time-kill kinetics, biofilm assays, RNA-sequencing, transciptomic analysis, gene regulation networks, in vivo animal models…..
Enteric bacteria, environmental bacteria, antibiotics resistance and virulence
Isolation and identification of enteric bacteria 腸道細菌分離
Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) 全基因體定序分析
Microbiome analysis 微生物叢相分析
NGS 次世代定序
One-Health approach 健康一體